
History & Background

BuDa Folklore is an Indian organisation that is dedicated to conserve, educate and promote the folklore and natural environment of the Uttar Kannada region in Karnataka. It is the outcome of three decades of intense fieldwork and research on folk culture.

Started with an aim to understand and record native knowledge, oral tradition and folk culture in and around the district; the organisation has emerged as a focal point for study and research of folk heritage with a vast database on various tribes and indigenous communities of the region.
Now BuDa Folklore is a completely self-sustainable organisation that offers the ‘Live and Learn Folklore’ programs and the BuDa product line in addition to community services. The organisation is directly involved in raising awareness, documenting, strengthening and revitalising traditional knowledge systems and indigenous communities in the region.

What We Do

We host a variety of workshops, festivals, live and learn programs, study tours, product development, research and documentation, and initiatives emphasising the importance of local and tribal culture, and the wisdom of the region. We have a strong hold on food, art and craft, oral heritage, culture, and folklore.

Our Vision

By boosting livelihoods and local economies, diversifying farm and forest produce, promoting tribal culture, safeguarding natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystems, we hope to trigger a more conscientious society through rural engagement. We also aim to create sustainable community centred experiential platforms to understand rural living.

Our Values

We at BuDa are grateful for the space and acknowledgement the rural community has given us. We believe in giving back as much, or more to the inhabitants and biodiversity of the region. We are committed to help improve and facilitate the existing culture and folklore without having a detrimental effect on it.

Our Impact

Over the decade, we have created unique learning & educational experiences that transform attitudes of both, the urban learning community and local people. By integrating the indigenous population into our programs with mutual respect, we create sustainable livelihood opportunities that empower women and the youth. We are combining the cultural, traditional and ecological resources of the region in a responsible and ethical manner. Working with the community to create greater awareness, pride & a sense of identity linked to their cultural heritage and indigenous traditions, resulting in a strong sense of participation and ownership in the development process of the region.