Academic or Professional Internships and Research Assistantships
Students with the requirement to cover credits with educative programs can do so while working in a research program, on a specific project or in particular interest that is viable for the organisation, giving pursuit to specific tasks of the organisation or integrating into existing work groups. These can include research and documentation, documentary, oral heritage, folklore community development, conservation, product development etc
The organisation would like to encourage studies on the above aspects. The purpose is entirely academic and community centric. The aim is to understand folk culture and heritage. Hence the organisation would like to initiate diversified studies ranging from a week to a year. It invites students and other interested individuals who would like to learn and research.
Research Base
In this format, the organisation will provide logistic support such as food and accommodation at Honnavar. For this, BuDa charges a nominal fee and will serve as a research logistics platform for interested individuals. In this module, researchers will have to manage the research on their own and no specific guidance will be given, it is a self-initiated module.
Guided Research
Individuals pursuing academic degrees in folklore studies are welcome to use our headquarters as a research center. Dr. Nayak and Mrs. Nayak, who are pioneers in folklore research, will guide and provide assistance with local liaison and also host the students on such a program. For this module, students will pay a nominal research consultant fee along with the basic logistics fee.
Niche Studies
At Buda, we can also design study modules based on the topic of interest. In such a scenario, we will design the course, lend a course leader and lead the students systematically through the research process. Here, students will have access to the knowledge database, and develop further on it. Buda is willing to partner with an institution or individual of repute to take up such studies. The content will be generated in partnership with the institution or individual.
To apply or for more information, please email us at [email protected]